
Our Cafetería will be part of Phase 1 that the Hotel Marea Royal will open to the public in 2019.

Located on the 1st floor, this beautiful eatery will feature a modern design to compliment the Hotel’s tropical look & feel. Whether you are looking to start your day with a warm cup of Mexican-style Cafe, meet up with someone, or check your e-mail using our complimentary Wi-Fi access, our cozy location is the perfect spot!

Want more than just coffee? No problem! Our facility is also a Restaurant and will offer several delicious Oaxacan dishes! No vacation is complete unless you taste the local food, so be sure to stop on by for unforgettable experience!


Our Cafetería will be serving up our amazing Kabo Coffee as part of the everyday Menu!

Kabo Coffee is grown in the 6,000-foot high Sierra Madre mountains, in the state of Oaxaca, Mexico, the home of the Zapotec and Mixtec people, a place of more speakers of indigenous languages than any other state in Mexico.

Oaxaca is located in the southwest of Mexico, in the most ideal climate for growing organic Arabica beans. Our shade-grown, organic green beans rival the best coffees from anywhere in the world for its taste and complexity. Kabo Coffee’s source farms practice sustainable agriculture and only plant natural, non-sun resistant coffee trees grown deep under the dense shade of the rainforest canopy.

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